This past weekend my wife and daughter were in Dallas. That left me at home with the boys:).
Rarely do I get time with just them so I wanted to make this weekend a special bonding time.
Saturday morning, we came to the conclusion that breakfast omelets and chocolate chip pancakes sounded like the perfect idea for breakfast.
Unfortunately we were out of those ingredients, so we had to make a run to HEB.

The beautiful thing about this trip to HEB was that there was no arguing, fighting, or complaining. They were genuinely happy to be at the grocery store. I almost fell over with a heart attack on aisle 10:).
Once we got home, we got right to work on cooking our food.
They both were very eager and excited to help cook and clean up afterwards.

*side note, it’s always a benefit to have access to Batman’s muscles when the dishes need to be done:)
After our breakfast, I reflected on what we did and have a couple of takeaway’s I’m excited to share with you:
- There was no guilt involved-not once did I feel guilty or bad that I was having chocolate chip pancakes with a delicious omelet covered in cheese and bacon. I enjoyed spending time and talking with my sons as we enjoyed our meal. The purpose of our meal choice wasn’t because it just tastes amazing. It was to help us bond and grow closer together as father and sons.
- It gave them confidence-both of my boys were so excited to learn how to cook and take ownership in making their breakfast. They loved that they had my encouragement and approval in what they were doing. It’s so cool to see them gain confidence in what they are doing!
- Value responsibility-they actually were excited to do the dishes and clean up the kitchen once breakfast was made.
- Have self-control-all three of us LOVE sugar (especially anything chocolate)!!! We never keep any sort of sugary treats in our home because we all don’t have self control. Each of us had a good portion size for our breakfast and didn’t overeat. We felt satisfied and didn’t want more.
As adults we all struggle with food at some point were we lack self-control and feel guilty afterwards.
My encouragement to you is to start viewing food in a different perspective.
Food is fuel and fuel only for your body. It doesn’t replace the stress from work, kids being bratty, or filling another emotional void that you feel entitled to that’s missing in your life.
Instead be intentional in embracing the value that a meal brings to your life. You get to enjoy your loved one’s and learn more about them, teach your kids responsibility, grow together closer as a family, and make new memories every day!
Replacing emotional guilt with gratitude and appreciation will make a massive change in your health and wellness journey!
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