How are you planning on spending New Year’s Eve?
Many people are using tonight as one last hurrah of eating unhealthy and drinking a lot.
Tomorrow will be the beginning of a new decade and then their nutrition and fitness will be locked in:)
If you are going to a New Year’s Eve party with lots of “delicious” food, enjoy yourself!
Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t come to fruition by time simply changing.
Daily action + consistency + patience = HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE
Instead of trying to be perfect with your nutrition, change your approach.
Focus on eliminating one unhealthy thing from your daily life.
For example, if you struggle with drinking soda, eliminate soda from your diet.
One can of soda equals 250 calories.
That’s 1,750 calories a week less you are consuming just by not having one can of soda.
This equals 2lbs of fat lost a month just by cutting out one can of soda.
Over time, you won’t miss the soda.
Your body is great at adapting to it’s environment.
If you eat healthy, it will crave healthy food. You eat like crap, it craves crap.
Making lifestyle changes can be very hard!
Accountability is key to help you stay consistent.
I’d love to help you make 2020 your fittest year yet!
Simply reply to this e-mail to schedule a consultation.