How do I make my inner thighs leaner and more toned?
This is a question I got from a female client yesterday.
The answer is a lot more complex than a specific exercise.
Unfortunately our bodies don’t work like apps on our phones.
If they did, I’d be the first person in line to get that upgrade:).
The concept of spot reduction follows the false belief that training a specific muscle will result in fat loss in that area of the body.
It doesn’t work because it usually targets muscles that are relatively small through exercises relatively insignificant in terms of enhancing overall fitness.
Overall fitness, is a strong factor in your body’s fat-burning effectiveness.
If improving overall fitness is a strong factor to making you more leaner and toned, how do you do this?
1.) Make strength training a priority-perform total body movements that will use as many muscle groups as possible.
This will help you build lean muscle tissue and burn more calories.
2.) Eat whole foods-the old adage “you can’t out train a bad diet” still rings true. Focus your nutrition on whole foods. Stick to the perimeter of your grocery store when buying food.
3.) Get plenty of sleep-not getting enough sleep slows your production of the hormone leptin.
It’s responsible appetite control in your body. When you don’t sleep enough it slows production of that hormone and you become hungrier consuming more calories.
4.) Control your stress-elevated stress levels raise your cortisol levels. This results in an increase in appetite, cravings for sweet and salty foods.
It also produces less testosterone resulting in decrease muscle mass. When you have less muscle mass, you body burns less calories.
5.) BE CONSISTENT-this is the most important step. If you stay consistent with working out, eating healthier, improving your sleep, and having less stress you will reach your goals! You just have to be patient!
Instead of focusing on improving a specific part of your body, focus on improving your overall fitness and be patient.
Your body will thank you for it!