This past Friday I got to be the mystery reader for my son, Jeremiah’s, 1st grade class.
It was a great time getting to read to them and answer their questions.
If you would’ve asked me to do this 15 yrs ago, I would’ve been terrified and not been able to do this.
For most of my life, I was a massive stutterer!
Anytime I was asked to pray in church, I immediately went into a fake coughing fit so they could call on someone else.
The turning point for me was that I realized I wasn’t living how God created me to be.
He made me strong and courageous, not fearful!
Once I started believing that for myself, I started public speaking, leading prayer in church, etc.
It wasn’t easy at first but over time that became my new normal.
Now you can get me to shut up at all (my wife will be the first one to tell you that:).
Being able to speak in front of people has given me so much more confidence in my abilities.
It’s allowed me to live out my passion as a coach and trainer where communication skills are key!
Had I stayed in my fear, I never would’ve become a trainer or get to share moments like I did with my son on Friday.
Fear limits you and keeps you in bondage.
Freedom has no limits and gives you confidence in who you are created to be.
What fearful thing do you believe about yourself that’s keeping you from reaching your goals?