Having rounded shoulders and a forward neck posture can create a lot of havoc on your neck and upper back. Many times people with this problem suffer from headaches, shoulder pain, neck pain, and much more.
If you are an overhead athlete like a tennis or baseball player, this creates even more of a problem. By not allowing your shoulder to have the adequate range of motion to move, this puts undue strain on your shoulder and the tissues surrounding it.
In the video below I will show you two simple ways to restore motion in your upper back and shoulders using two tennis balls.
If you are looking for more information on how to get rid of aches and pains, get stronger, and have more energy, I want you invite you to schedule a free Accelerated Results Session with me. We will go over your goals, go through a detailed movement evaluation, and find the right program that best meets your needs and helps you reach your goals. If you are ready to reclaim your health and wellness, click on the link below.