You see it all over the magazine covers when you are checking out at the grocery store with headlines like this, “do this routine to have a melting six pack by the summer.” It gives the reader false hope because it’s providing them a plan that doesn’t work. Before we go into any specific ab training, I want to preface this by saying if you have a poor diet, all the ab training in the world won’t help you make your abs look the way that you want them to. If you are someone who needs a customized nutrition program that gets you results, click on the link below to schedule your Accelerated Results Session.
In today’s video, I’m going to show you two ways your abs are suffering due to “conventional” ab training.
If you are frustrated and aren’t getting the results you’ve been looking for in the gym, I want to invite you to schedule an intro session with me to help you customize a plan that’s specific to your goals, abilities, and fits your lifestyle. Click below to apply.