As a coach, I’m biased towards the amazing role coaches can play in our lives.
A great coach is able to partner with you to take your goals and help make them achievable while having fun doing it!
Below are five reasons why you need to hire a coach
#1. For Their Expertise
The most obvious reason to seek out a coach is for their expertise. Now more than ever, we have more information available to us about exercise and nutrition but yet our population is more out of shape and in worse health.It’s not due to a lack of information that we aren’t reaching out fitness goals.
Many times having too much information can be paralyzing to you and makes things a lot more confusing for you. You need a coach to cut through all of that chaos and find out the best solution for you!
Just because a coach has a certification, does not mean he or she is an expert! Here are some questions to ponder in when searching for a coach:
How long have they been a coach?
What kind of results have their clients gotten?
Are their programs personal and specific to each client or does everyone do the exact same thing?
Why do they love to coach?
Getting answers to these questions will help determine which coach is right for you.
#2. To increase accountability and consistency
Most people don’t do well staying consistent with a fitness program because it’s not personalized to them, it’s boring, and there’s no accountability.
Hiring a coach is great for solving those problems for you.
They create a program that’s specific to your needs, that provides amazing results, and requires you to meet with them a couple of times a week which results in great accountability and consistency towards reaching your fitness goals.
#3. Identify and Reach Goals
Too many times we base our goals on unrealistic expectations (to run a marathon in 1 month when you’ve never run before), wrong motives (want to look just like your friend instead of being comfortable in your own body), and/or slick marketing campaigns (achieve six pack abs in only 21 days) that result in you feeling like a failure.
Hiring a coach is so important to help you identify your “why.” That is the foundation for the goals you want to achieve. Without a “why” you will be doomed to fail in reaching your goals.
If your goal is losing 10 lbs. and being more “toned,” why is that important to you? Will it give you more confidence when speaking in front of others? Give you more energy to interact and become more present for your family? Look better naked for your spouse?
Whatever the reason, make sure your “why” is bigger than your circumstances. Hiring a coach will help you find out what that is and develop a plan to achieve just that!
#4. Reduce Injury
I haven’t been a member at a commercial gym for over a decade but when I do visit one, I still see the same things happen over and over.
Most of the females are on the exercise bikes, ellipticals, and treadmills reading a magazine, talking to their friend, and/or watching Ellen on the monitor. Most of the males are in front of the mirror doing bicep curls, laying down doing bench press, and/or on a sit-up bench doing crunches.
This process is repeated each and every day. As a result, most of these people get hurt over time due to over-use injuries. If you ask most of these people why they are doing these specific exercises, they will tell you that they read about it on yahoo news, saw a friend do it, or just saw someone else in the gym do it and thought it would be a good idea.
Hiring a coach is great to help you reduce injury when you work out. That’s why having a program that’s designed to your level of ability and success is key!
At Ultimate Performance Training, I put each and every person through a detailed movement evaluation to determine what their body is successful at doing. That way they have a detailed program that will be safe and effective to help them reach their fitness and performance goals!
Having a coach who has a detailed knowledge of the human body is key as well. The body is a very complex and intricate unit that acts as one big chain reaction. Your coach should know how the body truly functions and moves to provide you a blue print on how to get you the best results safe and effectively.
Imagine going to a mechanic who doesn’t understand how each part in an automobile works and influences the rest of your car. The same thing applies for hiring a qualified coach!
#5. Have Fun
This last point is key. If you are trying to get in shape by working out but every day is a grind and you absolutely hate it, you won’t continue.
Hiring a coach that knows how to make a workout fun for you is key!
A great coach should be able to put together a training program that gets you AMAZING results but has it adapt to your personality, likes, and dislikes.
Being able to understand, relate, and communicate effectively with their clients is what separates great coaches from average coaches.
If you are looking for a coach who has great expertise, helps you identify and reach your goals, be accountable and consistent, reduce injury, and make your workouts fun, I’d love for you to consider Ultimate Performance Training for all of your fitness and performance needs!